So so pretty and grand at the same time. Composition is awesome on this, sound choice is also amazing. Wow!!
So so pretty and grand at the same time. Composition is awesome on this, sound choice is also amazing. Wow!!
Thank you so much! :)
Great performance! Cool concept! I love the bassline and the incorporation of synths in the break at around 1:50. Interesting rhythms. The solo towards the end rocks, man. Good luck in round 2! :)
Oh, man, thanks so much! It means a lot!
I was actually just about to go listen to your submission! :)
Woah, this is tight as hell. Very catchy, adventurous, and constantly engaging. It reminds me of the complexity of 8-bit songs in indie games like Shovel Knight and anything similar. Awesome stuff, man. Also at 1:12 is that the jazz lick??
thank you! and maybe... ;)
Dude, that synth at the beginning is gnarly as hell. The part at 2:14 is real cool to listen to. Sick track.
Thanks! The production could use some work here and there, but I'm pretty happy to have gotten it out in time for NGADM! :D
Smooth flow. Reminds me of Biggie or DOOM in some aspects. Great cadence, sweet expression in your voice for emphasis. Keep at it man, one song at a time. :)
I didn't know how much I needed to see another artist tell me "one song at a time" until you did it. Thank you, man. I needed that. Good luck :)
Chill as hell, sweet vibe. Love the little melody at 2:12 and 3:57 to death and the reverb piano-sounding synth in the bridge is real nice. I wish the best to you in this NGADM round dude! :]
Love the name btw
thank you!!! my friend came up with it
Unique! Very interesting production on this. Sounds like video-gamey art-pop to me. Great vocal performance too! Overall real solid track. Great work!
Thank you!!
Underrated as all hell. May the higher beings smile upon your work and bring you good fortune and bountiful amounts of approval.
thanks a parking lot !!! :3
pretty good. liked
then why did you rate it 0 stars?
what up
Age 22
producer, songwriter
Joined on 12/4/16